Broad Spectrum CBD Water Soluble Technology


Our Unique Water Soluble CBD Formula

Our proprietary wholesale CBD water-soluble options allow the customer to choose from a wide range of products. Our modern water-soluble technology helps create a broad-spectrum liquid or powder. The water-soluble CBD we manufacture is not a CBD isolate. Instead, it retains a broad spectrum and maintains its 0.0% free from THC status.

Once our CBD hemp oil is converted into a water-soluble state, it is added quickly into the solution. This results in the formation of Nano CBD droplets with an average size of 10-100 nanometers hence providing a large surface area. It becomes a powerful ingredient for our customers to formulate with.

The broad-spectrum bulk CBD water-soluble liquid we create contains 20 CBD and minor traces of other compounds. This product is intended to immediately get dissolved before consumption and for manufacturing slurries and solid products.

Its formula is created using broad-spectrum hemp oil emulsifiers. The product contains 7.5% CBD for a flavored beverage and semisolid formulations and 35% for cosmetic applications.